February 9, 2009

A Sort of Journey

I like to read. A lot. I regularly get my ass chewed out at work for taking too long on break because I just have to finish this stupid chapter/page/novella before I go pick up more heavy things. Still, for all I consume, it has been very pointedly brought to my attention that I haven't read many of what most people consider to be "the classics." Most of the greatest novels of all time, the most important, culturally significant, best written, most compelling, most shocking books have never found their way onto my bookshelf. While I don't personally give much of a shit, as I read what I enjoy, I feel I owe it to the myriad of authors who have entertained, frightened, provoked, or sometimes even angered me to broaden my horizons.

Yeah, alright, I'll read some of the shit.

Now, the big question is, who has the definitive list of books I need to read? Shall I use Time Magazine's list of the 100 Greatest English Language Novels 1923-present? One of Random House's Modern Library lists? Should I try to make a run on the list of 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die? (Hey, they also have movies and albums and paintings. Neat).

Ah, decisions. I think I'll arbitrarily choose Time's list, because it's the first one I found.

Starting at the top of the list. I hope to update and share my thoughts on each novel, if anyone can be bothered to ever pay attention to anything I have to say. Off to buy Bellow's The Adventures of Augie March and Warren's All the King's Men!


  1. Yay, you're here! Not sure why you worry much about what the others say. You've read more already than all of them combined, most likely. I've read some of those things and I can't really say I'm all that impressed by some of the so-called-classics. I have a few in case you want to borrow. Sign up on Goodreads so you can post all your reading lists there and maybe some comments too.

    I'm not waiting for you to Read the classics, I'm waiting for you to write one. You're sucking up all the alphabet energy and not giving any back.

  2. When you finish each, give me the option of taking a read as well?

  3. You should read:
    The Jungle
    Everything ever written by George Orwell
    The Fountainhead and/or Atlas Shrugged (I like both but they're the same story.)
    (My friend asked me if I was perpetually consumed by internal conflict because two of my favorite authors are Orwell and Rand.)
    I haven't read Death Comes for the Archbishop but I have read O Pioneers and My Antonia by the same author and both were awesome.
    The best book I read recently was A House for Mr. Biswas by V.S. Naipaul. If you liked the Jungle you will like this one. Ha, I just noticed it was actually on the TIME list so read it, OK?

    What should I read next?

  4. Mom, I will give you the option after each book, as well as my opinion of said book.

    Shannon, you should read.. eh, hell, I don't know. You read way too much and I have no idea what to recommend to you. Hell, read Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. A nice happy comedy about the apocalypse.

    And I refuse to sign up for Goodreads because I am stubborn and committed to the approach I am taking. >:(
